Off Topic.Advice please. Domain selling.

William Palfreman william at
Thu Apr 5 06:47:33 UTC 2012

Interesting.  A domain makler.  It is a type of business I have
normally seen in connection with renting and buying houses in Germany.
 A third party insinuates himself between buyer and seller, and you
end up paying them enormous fees for something that you could have
worked out yourself.  Both parties lose by employing such an agent.
Plus you will have to hand over your domain before receiving payment,
and maybe end up having to chase them in court when they don't pay.

They have probably already told the other side they will sell them the
domain.  My advice is to do nothing until the real end-client contacts

On 4 April 2012 19:59, Jorge Biquez <jbiquez at> wrote:
> Hello all.
> I was wondering if you can give me your advice on the following.
> A person that works on the following company:
> -----------------------
> (
> Manager regional -  América Latina
> Sedo GmbH :: Colonia :: Alemania
> tel +49 221.34030.143
> -----------------------
> Contacted me telling he she has a client interested in one domain we have
> and that she will represent them in case we were interested in selling.
> Talking by phone with her she mentioned, by error I guess,  the name of a
> big company in France (immediately change subject after mentioned that and
> did not wanted to confirm the name so we are not sure it is). She has been
> insisting in making an offer, we said we would like to see the numbers they
> offer. She did it and after asking the procedure to follow in case we say
> yes she told us that the procedure is to pass, give the domain to their
> client and once they say they received and have total control of it then
> they will receive orders to release money. Of course we say No and they have
> been insisting about buying it.
> Have you ever heard of them?
> I feel that procedure is a total risk in our side since maybe once with the
> control of the domain their client won't pay them and of course if they pay
> them even this company could not pay us.
> For those of you who have done selling of domains. What's the normal
> procedure to follow?
> Do you know of a company you can trust to let them try to sell some domains
> we are interested in selling?
> Thanks in advance for all your comments.
> Jorge Biquez
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