Off Topic.Advice please. Domain selling.

Kristof Provost kristof at
Wed Apr 4 18:35:26 UTC 2012

On 2012-04-04 13:05:30 (-0500), Jorge Biquez <jbiquez at> wrote:
> I was wondering if you can give me your advice on the following.
> A person that works on the following company:
> -----------------------
> (
> Manager regional -  América Latina
> Sedo GmbH :: Colonia :: Alemania
> tel +49 221.34030.143
> -----------------------
> Have you ever heard of them?
I've heard of them. I've even tried to buy a couple of domains through
them. It didn't work out, but not because of anything they did, but
because I refused to give large amounts of money to sleazy domain 

>From what little research I did at the time I *think* Sedo as such is
reasonably trustworthy.

> I feel that procedure is a total risk in our side 
> since maybe once with the control of the domain 
> their client won't pay them and of course if they 
> pay them even this company could not pay us.
I suspect the procedure is for you to hand over the domain to Sedo, and
they hand it over to the final client once the payment is done.

It's possible that the procedure could be different if the domain in
question is very expensive, I wouldn't know.


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