I Love FreeBSD!

Angus Robinson angus at fairhaven.za.net
Sun Jan 31 09:47:08 UTC 2010

Kevin Kinsey wrote:
> Charlie Kester wrote:
>> On Wed 27 Jan 2010 at 04:16:05 PST Dag-Erling Smrgrav wrote:
>>> Charlie Kester <corky1951 at comcast.net> writes:
>>>> Not the cheapest way to heat a room, but it's probably the most fun!
>>> Elementary thermodynamics: a computer and an electric heater produce 
>>> the
>>> exact same amount of heat per unit of electrical power consumed (modulo
>>> energy transmitted outside the room over wireless or wired network, but
>>> that's a vanishingly small amount)
>> I'm not sure I get your point.  You can surf the web on your space
>> heater?
> Maybe he can, but I don't believe that was his point.  Nonetheless,
> I seem to remember someone installed a Linux or a BSD on a toaster
> once upon a time.
> Off to Google to find out.
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