I Love FreeBSD!

Tony Theodore tonyt at logyst.com
Wed Jan 27 16:11:23 UTC 2010

2010/1/28 Erich Dollansky <erich at ovitrap.com>:
> Hi,
> On 27 January 2010 pm 21:40:32 Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:
>> Erich Dollansky <erich at ovitrap.com> writes:
>> > burning wood, oil or gas is in most regions cheaper than
>> > electricity which is most likely produced out of the same
>> > fuel but all the losses during generation and transport
>> > reduce its effectiveness dramatically.
>> Define "most regions".  There is a whole world outside the US.
> any region of this globe where temperatures go below the threshold
> for being comfortable and people tend to create heat by some
> means.
> Erich

Wood is prohibitively expensive in [sub]urban Australia. We use it
more for ambiance than heating. Gas is cheap, and on a par with
electricity in terms of price to the consumer, but our brown coal is
hopelessly inefficient.


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