I Love FreeBSD!

Erich Dollansky erich at ovitrap.com
Wed Jan 27 12:39:45 UTC 2010


On 27 January 2010 pm 20:16:05 Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:
> Charlie Kester <corky1951 at comcast.net> writes:
> > Not the cheapest way to heat a room, but it's probably the
> > most fun!
> Elementary thermodynamics: a computer and an electric heater
> produce the exact same amount of heat per unit of electrical
> power consumed (modulo energy transmitted outside the room over
> wireless or wired network, but that's a vanishingly small
> amount)

burning wood, oil or gas is in most regions cheaper than 
electricity which is most likely produced out of the same fuel 
but all the losses during generation and transport reduce its 
effectiveness dramatically.


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