I Love FreeBSD!

Chuck Robey chuckr at telenix.org
Tue Feb 9 01:17:35 UTC 2010

Charlie Kester wrote:
> On Sun 07 Feb 2010 at 18:22:39 PST Michiel Overtoom wrote:
>> On Wednesday 27 January 2010 11:46:52 Charlie Kester wrote:
>>> Not the cheapest way to heat a room, but it's probably the most fun!
>> I measured the power consumption of my FreeBSD system, and it's 80
>> watts usually, 100 watts while doing a large compile.
> I recently installed FreeBSD on a system based on Intel's latest Atom
> processor -- the so-called "Mount Olive" motherboard.  According to my
> Kill-a-Watt meter, it maxes out at 25W. 
> It's cheap (~$80 for the motherboard) and definitely a lot of fun, but
> not much good as a space heater.  Good thing I live in the Pacific
> Northwest, where we enjoy such a mild climate!

I got curious about 2 weeks ago, and went to the Intel web site to find out
about that.  I saw a page what was obviously written by a marketing man, spent a
lot of time reading how great it was, but couldn't find one word on how it
worked or looked, logically, so I assumed it was a glorious piece of
incompatible junk.  Am I tremendously wrong?  I did see that it was a low power

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