FreeBSD Bounties

Dan Langille dan at
Thu Mar 5 13:58:22 PST 2009

Please, do not top post.  Thank you.

james michael wrote:
> Hmm, well I guess I might have jumped the gun a bit. I can see how it 
> could be useful. I don't really believe that open source software should 
> have a price when it comes to drivers and things like that.

The software does not have a 'price'. The work does. If someone is paid 
to work on the software, and it is open source, why do you care?

Many people are paid to work on open source software. Perhaps more than 
you are aware of.

 > There are a
> lot of sites like this one in the aspect of paying programmers to write 
> software, none of them directed at any one OS. I don't see the point in 
> directing this site to freebsd. All the freebsd drivers should be open 
> source and Libra.

It is directed at FreeBSD because the site owners wanted it so.  They 
saw a need and are attempting to fill it.  Quite simple.

Dan Langille

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