UTF as Filename Extension

Jason C. Wells jcw at highperformance.net
Sat Jan 31 14:00:43 PST 2009

Here is a simple discussion that is probably more complex than I'd like 
it to be.   Is there any way to enforce a UTF-8 encoding of a file, 
perhaps by filename extension?  Could such an encoding solve cross 
platform line break incompatibility?

A wiki article states that such capability exists, but the tools aren't 
there yet.  I suppose the easiest question to answer is, should users 
like me worry about it much?

I use unformatted text more and more for documents, saving the 
formatting step for late in the writing process.  I like my text to be 
variable width and to reflow along paragraph demarcations.  New line 
compatibility issues are annoying.  Fixing them is not what I want to 
spend time doing.


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