do we have support for the Beagle Board?

Lars Engels lars.engels at
Wed Apr 8 23:56:03 PDT 2009

Quoting Chuck Robey <chuckr at>:

> Hash: SHA1
> I am truly impressed with that new handhelp computer, the Pandora.  I read
> somewhere (I'm trying to find where I saw this) that the Pandora is very
> compatible with the BeagleBoard.  I was just wondering if any of the  
>  work being
> done for the ARM on FreeBSD has been ported to the Pandora?
> I don't know enough about it, *yet*, but I'm working on it.  Having   
> such a great
>  tiny machine running FreeBSD would be incredible.  FreeBSD would be my first
> choice, if I'm going to get a choice.

What is Pandora?
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