Why?? (prog question)

KAYVEN RIESE kayve at sfsu.edu
Wed Apr 1 17:53:38 PDT 2009

On Wed, 1 Apr 2009, William Gordon Rutherdale wrote:

>> On Wed, 1 Apr 2009, Oliver Fromme wrote:
>>> Polytropon <freebsd at edvax.de> wrote:
>>> > William Gordon Rutherdale wrote:
>>> In all of those cases, I simply press the <Tab> key to
>>> indent, and the <Backspace> key to dedent.  There is no
>>> need to change habits.  The editor takes care of it.
>>> I assume that every modern editor can be configured that
>>> way.
>> Since this is in chat, I guess I feel okay about making a fool
>> of myself.  Not everybody wants to deal with every week's new
>> set of script kiddle gobbleygook.  I hold a BSCS from the
>> "late cretaceous" of 1989.  After that I started studying
>> molecular biology under the mistaken assumption that the
>> blythering human race would stop idiotically barrelling into
>> oblivion chopping off the icecaps at breakneck speed.  Currently,
>> having idioticaly tried to get back into computer science, I am
>> enrolled in an MSCS at San Francisco State University.  I keep
>> crashing my kernels and keep getting insulted and rejected by
>> the "online open source community" so I guess take what I have
>> to say with a grain of salt.
>> I learned the vi editor in 1985 and I am comfortable living on
>> command lines without this "modern editor" nonsense.  I have to
>> say contemplating getting fired because some tyrant is going
>> to bite my head off for failing to look at page 1234 of the documentation
>> that clearly states that I MUST use a "modern editor" that will
>> automate tabbing of my code makes me want to blow my head off
>> right now and save the damn world the trouble.
>>> Best regards
>>>   Oliver
>>> PS:  Personally I think that the tab character (ASCII 9)
>>> should die.  It is a vestige of the IT middle ages, it has
>>> no right to exist anymore today, and it only causes problems.
>>> The very existence of this thread proves this point.
>> I am now very confused. I thought I was arguing with this person,
>> and now it appears we agree.  Next, I'll be arguing with myself.
> YOU are confused?  I read your email and see that you quoted me as saying 
> what someone else wrote.  You quote ME as saying that stuff about 
> "<backspace> to dedent".  In fact I did not write that.  The other guy wrote 
> that.  I don't think I've ever written the word "dedent" in my life, at least 
> until this paragraph.  In fact, I'm not convinced that it IS a word.
> Regarding your other rant, I am (slightly) older than the president of the 
> United States, with an old-style university background in Mathematics and 
> Computer Science, and I don't see why you're so bothered over a "modern" 
> editor with capabilities approaching that of editors that were available in 
> the 1970s, such as Wordstar.
> What exactly is your problem with configuring your editor, to the point that 
> you have to blow your head off?

I've blown my kernel.  I can't get anything to work anymore.

> -Will
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   Kayven Riese, BSCS, MS (Physiology and Biophysics)
   (415) 902 5513 cellular
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