Why?? (prog question)

Oliver Fromme olli at lurza.secnetix.de
Wed Apr 1 06:35:58 PDT 2009

Note:  I've redirected this to -chat.  This thread
does *not* belong on the -questions list.

Polytropon <freebsd at edvax.de> wrote:
 > William Gordon Rutherdale wrote:
 > > You set the standard on a given project.  You decide
 > > whether you are using spaces or tabs.  If spaces, you decide how many
 > > spaces per indent level.  You ask the programmers to submit code in that
 > > format.  It doesn't jump around randomly from one line to the next.
 > Okay, now I understand what you mean. "Consistency" refers to
 > the usage of spacing / tabbing for a given project that is
 > adopted by several programmers. Yes, I agree with that: It's
 > a very bad idea to have many different styles within the same
 > project.

Of course.  That's why the FreeBSD project has the style(9)
manual page.  Newly written code has to obey it, otherwise
it will not go into the repository.  Of course there are
certain exceptions, e.g. for "contrib" code.

 > > You are trying to make it sound like a big problem, but it isn't.
 > When I need to read / work with other's code, it's can develop
 > into problems. Natural habits like hitting the tab key are
 > very hard to change several times, for each project a different
 > rule.

There's no problem with hitting the Tab key.  Your editor
takes care of the actual behaviour.  For example, I have
configured my editor to use literal tabs for Makefiles
and shell scripts, and display them with 8 positions apart,
but for Python programs display them only with 4 positions
apart.  For C source code, the behaviour depends on the
project (directory).  For the FreeBSD project, tabs with
size 8 are used (according to style(9)), but for some other
projects, spaces are inserted (4 or 8).  For most other
types of files, the <Tab> key inserts various amounts
of space characters.

In all of those cases, I simply press the <Tab> key to
indent, and the <Backspace> key to dedent.  There is no
need to change habits.  The editor takes care of it.
I assume that every modern editor can be configured that

 > But the ability to read it is not the only important thing. It's
 > how you use it, because programmers usually do more than just
 > reading, they continue developing. The tab approach allows them
 > to have their individual viewing options without needing to
 > reformat the code.

No, that won't work.  In practice you will either have to
adopt the original indentation style, or reformat the
code.  Just changing the tab size in your editor will
break many things.

Here's an example.  I'll use /usr/include/stdio.h for this
example because it's installed almost everywhere, even if
your don't have /usr/src.

$ less +100 /usr/include/stdio.h

That command should show you the typedef declaration of
struct __sFILE, which is about 30 lines.  Note how the
types, names and comment columns line up neatly.
Now view the same with tab size 4:

$ less -x4 +100 /usr/include/stdio.h

See the difference?  It's a complete mess.

 > But maybe if I pass ^TD8 code to you, you would want to
 > work with it in ^TD4.

No, I wouldn't.  If I did only minor changes, I would
simply stick to the existing style of the file.  And if
I did substantial changes, I would probably reformat the
whole file -- note that this does *not* only change the
indentation style, but much more.  Indentation is only
a part of the style, and probably not even the most
important part.

 > > >  + you need more keypressing to get through the indentation with
 > > >    the spaces, one keypress per space, while you only need one
 > > >    keypress per tab (which equals one indentation level),
 > > 
 > > Not true.  You set up your editor settings to automatically do this for
 > > you.  Most editors have this capability. 
 > Not all editors have this ability.

Tell me a common editor that doesn't have that ability.
And no, ee(1) doesn't count.  I'm not aware of a FreeBSD
developer who uses ee(1) for serious work.

 > Not every programmer uses vim, emacs or Eclipse. Some really
 > like the "old fashioned" ways like joe.

Oh, good thing you mention joe.  I'm typing this reply
in joe right now.  I use joe for almost 20 years, and
it *does* support all of the features mentioned above.

Best regards

PS:  Personally I think that the tab character (ASCII 9)
should die.  It is a vestige of the IT middle ages, it has
no right to exist anymore today, and it only causes problems.
The very existence of this thread proves this point.

Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M.
Handelsregister: Registergericht Muenchen, HRA 74606,  Geschäftsfuehrung:
secnetix Verwaltungsgesellsch. mbH, Handelsregister: Registergericht Mün-
chen, HRB 125758,  Geschäftsführer: Maik Bachmann, Olaf Erb, Ralf Gebhart

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"... there are two ways of constructing a software design:  One way
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