Tired of Hierarchies

KAYVEN RIESE kayve at sfsu.edu
Sat May 3 22:42:54 UTC 2008

On Sat, 3 May 2008, Jason C. Wells wrote:

> I would like all of the data that I use everywhere to be one click away at 
> all times.  But placing all of that data in one central place is also 
> unmanageable.  Thus we employ search and filtering. To do that we employ 
> proper metadata, tagging, or brute force searching.

dood.  binary search trees define hierarchical data and allow the
optimized O(NlogN) sort and O(logN) search.

> I keep an image in my mind of where to find data that I use during the course 
> of my employment or hobbies. My employer has incredibly good information 
> systems.  I would say that I can access many millions of documents somewhat 
> readily. Unmanaged files in hierarchies quickly become irretrievable.

because of O(logN) search, one million items can be searched in
log(base breadth)(1 million) time instead of just 1 million time.


> Regards,
> Jason C. Wells
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   Kayven Riese, BSCS, MS (Physiology and Biophysics)
   (415) 902 5513 cellular
   Webmaster http://ChessYoga.org

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