natalie wood [ was: Re: Why the FreeBSD license will not be changing ]

spellberg_robert emailrob at
Fri Mar 14 10:40:49 PDT 2008

Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Julian H. Stacey wrote:
>>"Aryeh Friedman" wrote:
>>>On Jan 10, 2008 12:17 PM, Julian Stacey <jhs at> wrote:

[ snip ]

> I have suggested that and most people seem to see no need to for it
> thus we are left with inapporiate forums... also if such a forum was
> created it should also include business issues (not just legal because
> the two are intertwined)

[ snip ]

greetings, all ---

the plural of "forum" is "fora".
my source is my 1966 edition of webster's third new international.
it has served me well for, lo, these many decades.

by the lack_of_authority vested in me,
   by the international society of in_sufferable do_gooders,
   i here_by proclaim, command and instruct that
   the plural form of all words of latin origin,
   whether derived directly or in_directly,
   shall be spelled correctly.
if you won't do it for yourself,
   do it for the children.

golly, gee_whillikers, ma, i can be a pedant, too,
   just like the big kids in the high_school with their
   duck_tails and
   black_leather_jackets and
   souped_up jalopies.

ah, the un_timely loss of natalie wood is truly great.

[ long, wistful sigh ]


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