Stop Adobe Flash Petition
Martin Tournoij
carpetsmoker at
Thu Jun 26 12:14:30 UTC 2008
On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 01:28:47PM +0200, Lars Engels wrote:
> Quoting Martin Tournoij <carpetsmoker at>:
>> Sign it here:
>> [..snip..]
> While I totally agree to the above statements, tell me the sense of an
> online petition. Do you know a single petition that changed _anything_?
> The petition is adressed "Web Designers". How should they get aware of the
> petition?
Of course it won't cause a paradigm shift, but it can be used to show
that many people/users are not at all impressed but annoyed with
"sleak" flash sites, which might just be enough to convince a few
Even if only manages to convince a few people .. Is it not worth your
20 seconds?
> You cannot change the internet with that. Every big commercial site has
> flash. It's colorful, it's loud, it attracts the people to their products.
> So you won't convince the webmaster of these sites to change.
Actually, that's not true, big commercial sites are usable because
more usability == more profit, and since flash != usable, flash ==
less profit.
Big sites like Amazon, Ebay, Google, Yahoo, etc. are all relatively
simple websites, it's true that quite a few websites from big
companies who's core business is not internet use flash, but this not
in those companies best interest either because usability == profit
I'm not sure why so many sites from big companies use flash, maybe
it's some bigshot suit who thinks he knows best or something...
Martin Tournoij
carpetsmoker at
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