
Zane C.B. v.velox at
Tue Apr 1 21:58:41 UTC 2008

On Tue, 01 Apr 2008 01:17:19 +0200
Raven <raven at> wrote:

> This is old news, but I searched like mad, and couldn't find
> anything on the web.
> Maybe some of you once have the same problem.
> I wanted to play a game under Wine, but it was nearly unplayable
> with the keyb controls.
> So I plugged in an USB gamepad . . . it didn't work.
> Time to hit the wonderful world of Google . . .
> As always, the combination of Wine + "Insert_topic_here" yielded
> nothing but "Linux - mainly Ubuntu" stuff.
> There are enough threads, but none that helps.
> Seems like Linux has /dev/input/js, I wonder if this is
> neccessary . . . The Wine wiki mentions  a DirectInput registry
> key . . .  Linux only.
> We have USB keyboards and mice, we should have a gamepad, me
> thinks . . .
> Lemme see,
> $ cat /dev/uhid1 . . nothing
> $ cat /dev/uhid2  . . there it is !
> Me presses buttons, jerks sticks - terminal responds with weird
> output. Good !
> Uh-huh, what about the joystick driver in ../xorg/modules/input ?
> $ man joystick
> There -  everything is documented in all it's glory.
> $ sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf
> :snip
> Section "ServerLayout"
> ..
> InputDevice    "Gamepad"
> ..
> ..
> Section "InputDevice"
>      Identifier "Gamepad"
>      Driver     "joystick"
>      Option     "Device"    "/dev/uhid2"
>      Option         "Buttons" "16"
>      Option   "many_more"
> EndSection
> :snap
> Guess what - it worked.
> Tons of useless threads in hundreds of Linux forums, and all you
> need is a single manpage.
> Go figure . .


Did not know this was usable for UHIDs. Now the big question is how
to wrap the events around to stuff usable by ZSNES.

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