Newbie Update - & thanks! :)

Passive PROFITS passiveprofits at
Tue Apr 1 08:09:43 PDT 2008

Hi All,

Just to say, thanks to your pointers and
encouragement, I've spent my first few days messing
about with BSD! :)  

First off, I wimped out (shame really) and installed
DesktopBSD as I was already at least 'glance' familiar
with KDE from Ubuntu Linux.  This gave me some
confidence.  The slow update/repository server was an
ache though; taking almost a day or two to fully
update my system.  For the update speed alone, I
decided DesktopBSD would not do, and that I'd better
now pluck up the courage to install v.6.2_RELEASE ... 

A false start later (messed up the Network Config), I
got a working install of FreeBSD up and running - hip
hip hooray! :)

I've decided there is no use punishing myself so I
have decided to put on a desktop - Gnome.  I started
this download/compile/install like about 24 hours ago,
and it's still going strong.  Now I understand the
difference between precompiled packages and building
from source, even if only in terms of the time &
resource constraints! :(  

Anyway, it feels good to have my first 'matrix-like'
computer screen, when the computer is actually doing
something other than display a screen saver!! <ggg>

Fingers crossed I'll get a clean boot of Gnome within
less than another few hours, and then I can take a
peek at pf, and other gizmos, etc, hopefully, without
taking too much of a lesson in CLI, first!

NB:  nice to notice there is some Linux/BSD overlap in
terms of apps etc; a lot more than I'd realised! ;)



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