Where software meets hardware..

Thierry Thomas thierry at FreeBSD.org
Thu Jun 21 17:19:09 UTC 2007

Le Jeu 21 jui 07 à 14:33:56 +0200, Oliver Fromme <olli at lurza.secnetix.de>
 écrivait :

>  > I have a cousin who's taking up a programming course. He doesn't have
>  > background with programming nor an in depth understanding of how the
>  > computer works.  I tried explaining him that it all started with
>  > abacus, and that people wanted to use something that could make their
>  > arithmetic life easier and that Charles Babbage tried automating this
>  > manual calculator with his steam engine or some sort... and that...
> Actually Charles Babbage designed a complex mechanical
> computing machine (with lots of gearwheels etc.), but
> it only ever existed on paper.  Only small parts of it
> have actually been built, but never the whole thing,
> because it was too complex.  It would work in theory,
> though.  :-)

Pascal built such a machine:
Th. Thomas.

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