Free Advertising for the BSD Community

Jacek Artymiak jacekartymiak at
Mon Feb 26 11:25:37 UTC 2007


As some of you might know, I self-publish my books, which gives me
full control of the contents, for better or worse. Because of the way
my printers work, I must typeset my manuscripts to match their funky
specs and sometimes I have a few blank pages left at the end. I need
to pay for them anyway, so I thought I'd offer them to you for free.
My next book is coming out in two weeks. I don't know how many pages I
can offer but I though I'd give you an early warning :-)

If you are a BSD professional, company, event organizer, project
manager, etc. send me a private email and tell me what you'd like to

The specs are simple:

a black & white copy, 4x7 inches in EPS or TIFF at 600dpi.

My choices are final. I give preference to non-profits, but I welcome
businesses too.

Jacek Artymiak :: RadioBSD

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