Serious breach of copyright -- First post
thisdayislong at
Mon Jun 19 20:40:42 UTC 2006
On 6/19/06, Danial Thom <danial_thom at> wrote:
> Its interesting that the same types of people who
> whine incessently about things like open source
> will get all worked up about a "copyright" on
> some stupid how-to "article".
> You know what they say; if its not worth money,
> you might as well get credit.
> That notice on the bottom of the page looks so
> stupid and childish. Its almost like they're
> mocking the author. Like who cares who wrote it.
> dt
Obviously, you have never spent days trying out a relatively
undocumented procedure, finally getting it right, and then decided to
help others out by writing a howto document. I am perfectly happy
that Ingrid decided to host this document on her site, but credit was
due. Some people do care about the stuff they create.
Try writing something of value, and maybe then you'll be qualified to
talk about copyright.
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