Serious breach of copyright -- First post
Ingrid Kast Fuller
ingrid at
Mon Jun 19 00:54:41 UTC 2006
I responded to Bretts email 6 minutes after he informed me there maybe a
problem with this article. He did NOT bother to tell me he was the owner of
it. All I knew is someone named Brett at thisdayislong at was
letting me know there was a problem. I immediately went to to
see where the original information was so I could find the originator's name
and emailed him back, here is my reply.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ingrid Kast Fuller [mailto:ingrid at]
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 6:40 PM
To: 'Brett'
Subject: RE: concerned question
I got the information from the freebsd-config mailing list which is
referenced at the bottom.
Do you know where the original information is on I would not
want to infringe on anyone's rights.
Ingrid Kast Fuller
CityScope Net 713-477-6161
3910 Fairmont Parkway #264
Pasadena, TX 77504-3076
-----Original Message-----
From: Brett [mailto:thisdayislong at]
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2006 6:34 PM
To: ingrid at
Subject: concerned question
It has come to my attention that you have an article, located at
that is hosted on your fine site and yet is not referenced. It holds a
copyright reference for houfug, who did not write the article.
Please attribute the work to soup at .
Thank you,
A concerned citizen
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