Wot No Run-Time Symbol Table ?

Frank Mitchell mitchell at cloudynwuk.force9.co.uk
Sat Jun 17 12:20:23 UTC 2006

From: "Frank Mitchell" <mitchell at cloudynwuk.force9.co.uk>
To: <freebsd-users at uk.freebsd.org>
Subject: Wot No Run-Time Symbol Table ?
Date: 11 June 2006 20:21

I've just solved an interesting problem. I wrote an application for Linux
and then decided I wanted it under FreeBSD instead. With mods it built okay
and almost worked as before. But after rebooting I just got: "Shared object
has no run-time symbol table".

I'm not the first to see this message. An Internet Search reveals other
people being perplexed by it over the past few years. It's caused by
building your Source Code on a Windows Partition. I did this because of my
favourite Windows Freeware Text Editor. You can get away with it under
Linux, but under FreeBSD you get dud readelf information.

Can anybody point me towards further details?

Faictz Ce Que Vouldras: Frank Mitchell

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