is FreeBSD popularity decreasing ??

Darren Pilgrim darren.pilgrim at
Sun Jun 4 04:27:06 UTC 2006

illoai at wrote:
> On 6/2/06, Mathieu Prevot <freebsd-chat at> flod:
>> Hello,
> The generally linear downward trend in FreeBSD
> use since the advent of the "*BSD is dying" troll
> on slashdot nearly a decade ago conclusively
> demostrates that FreeBSD currently has a negative
> number of users.

It's a side effect of the modern computing culture.  The number of users 
complaining about instability, security holes and API stability is a 
direct measure of the size of the userbase.  There aren't any 
multi-million dollar businesses doing nothing but selling third-party 
utility development and technical support for FreeBSD, so it must 
obviously be dead, dying or not in use. :)

Darren Pilgrim

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