The Unix Haters Handbook

Darren Pilgrim freebsd at
Thu Jun 1 13:31:10 PDT 2006

Kevin Kinsey wrote:
> 2.  Is 'UNIX-hating' an acquired taste/skill/disability?
> Is it possible to be stupid/ignorant/naive enough to not
> hate UNIX?

Unix is a deep, complex art.  The kind of people who truly enjoy such 
artwork are either gifted with perverse perception and talent or idiot 

> 3.  Should we hunt down the author, install FBSD on his
> machine(s), chant "make install clean" repeatedly whilst
> we transliterate his work into groff, Tex, Docbook and LaTEX
> via the stuff in ports/converters?  Perhaps he's never run
> a modern OS ....

Only if we can bill him $200 an hour for it afterward.

Darren Pilgrim

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