Gmail idea

deeptech71 at deeptech71 at
Sun Dec 24 20:25:14 PST 2006

Jim Capozzoli wrote:
> I know this isn't related to FreeBSD at all, but I wanted to see what
> other people thought about this.  What if google set up a mechanism
> where emails are shared between user accounts?  Like, suppose this
> email is submitted to chat at, right, and the gmail mail
> server sees who is all getting mail from chat at  Then, it
> has only one copy of the message on the server, and points everybody's
> account who is supposed to have this message to that one copy on the
> server.  Despite it seems like they have unlimited space this could
> probably seem useful to them anyway. :-P
> Is this a good idea or am I just insane?  Btw I can't find the spot in
> google's support area to submit my idea so that's half the reason I
> sent it here incase anybody who works at google also happens to be
> subscribed to chat at . xD

It's a modern network with everything in it. That should already be 
implemented somehow. If not directly, then file compression should do 
the job.
If google thinks he's the center of the world, OK, let us all register 
for 2GB and fill it with bulk. Man at this rate I wont buy new HDDs, 
I'll install my OS onto google and run it from there lol :]

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