FreshPorts personal newsfeeds

Dan Langille dan at
Fri Oct 7 19:02:56 PDT 2005

On 8 Oct 2005 at 3:22, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:

> On 2005-10-07 20:17, Dan Langille <dan at> wrote:
> > I'm working on adding the ability to have personal news feeds on
> > FreshPorts.  In short, you'll be able to customize a news feed by
> > selecting the ports you want included, nothing else.  If you already
> > use FreshPorts, you know what a watch list is [if you don't, you
> > should be using it....].  Each watch list will have its own newsfeed.
> >
> > The URL will be something like this:
> >
> >
> > list.php?token=07c5e534565839f10b536f3ed638be8412602130bb82f95fbb5a682b5655aa38
> Very cool Dan :)

I just finished some beta coding.  If anyone wants to have a sneak 
peak at personalized news feeds for FreshPorts, go to and get signed in.  Then look for the 
"Personal newsfeeds" link.  One newsfeed for each watch list you set 

> > The token is random, more or less, and unique to your newsfeed.  It's
> > non-trivial to guess, but if you did guess one, big deal, you have a
> > newsfeed.  *yawn*.
> Which may be _extremely_ useful as a means of sharing 'interesting'
> feeds with one's friends.  Excellent!

There's an idea.... selling off news feeds....
Dan Langille :
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