/etc/issue problem

Simon Striker simon at schtriker.net
Mon May 2 03:01:51 PDT 2005


I have a FreeBSD 5.3 installed and I want to show a pre-login text when 
user wants to login to the server through a console or telnet.

I made an /etc/issue file and copied some text inside, but when I telnet 
  to the server, the text does not appear! (/etc/issue has 644 rights).

My /etc/gettytab includes:


Does enybody know where is the problem and how can I fix it?

I will be very happy if someone will help me or give me a piece of advice!

Best regards,


Simon Striker
Rusjanov trg 2
1000 Ljubljana      +38641473856
Europe (Slovenia)

E-mail: simon at schtriker.net

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