headless server...

Kevin Kinsey kdk at daleco.biz
Wed Jun 8 15:27:02 GMT 2005

Przemysław Nowaczyk wrote:

> David Wolfskill wrote:
>> I'm no expert on PC hardware, but that sounds as if the BIOS is
>> deliberately probing the monitor, and if it finds "no monitor," it is
>> not only refusing to boot, but refusing to drive the video card.
>> That seems perverse in the extreme.
>> And makes that board ill-suited for the taks at hand (headless server).
>> I don't know the situation where you are, but my inclination at this
>> point would be to "cut my losses" and stop trying to make it work for
>> that function.  And acquire a different system (or system board) for the
>> function.
>> Peace,
>> david
> Well.. I didn't thought about this box as a top priority server so as You
> say I'll propablly leave it as is.. but it's a shame that a good and 
> "healthy"
> box will stay in the corner and collect dust :P
> I'm wondering only if it's posiblle that it's the power supply fault 
> (it's an AT Power Supply)..
> thanks,

My next line of inquiry would probably be the video card
itself.  There seem to be few references to this sort of
problem out there; but the two I've seen that matched your
description most closely (and they weren't THAT close, but
we seem to be dealing with a relatively rare issue <?>) were
both nVidia cards...

So, if I had another old card to stick in there, I might try
that first . . .


Kevin Kinsey

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