headless server...

Przemysław Nowaczyk p_nowaczyk at o2.pl
Wed Jun 8 14:20:22 GMT 2005

Erich Dollansky wrote:
> Hi,
> Przemysław Nowaczyk wrote:
>> okey.. the status for now is:
>> - I have the newest version of Bios v.4.51PG 2B for this motherboard,
>> - I've tried all combinations with the Halt On option (no solvation),
>> - Even without the video card the box doesn't start,
>> - in my bios there's no No Video option,
>> - Even when only the cable of the monitor is plugged it doesn't start,
>> - I won't try to fry my PC :P
>> - so I've run out of ideas..
>> but thank You All for help :) and feel free to share more ideas :)
> You are saying that the machine boots with the monitor on but does not 
> when you switch the monitor off?
> Erich
well to be exact, the situation looks like this: when the monitor is 
plugged into the box (it doesn't matter wheather it's on or off) 
everything runs fine (there's the standard "short beep" and the machine 
boots normaly). But when the monitor isn't plugged, the machine doesn't 
start (there's no beep) and the OS isn't loaded.

       Przemysław Nowaczyk        | e-mail: p_nowaczyk at o2.pl
          IT student @            | GG UIN: #1299898
  Poznan University of Technology | RLU: #293754 PLD/Slackware

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