FreeBSD logo design competition
Giorgos Keramidas
keramida at
Mon Jul 18 12:35:35 GMT 2005
On 2005-07-18 13:11, Roger 'Rocky' Vetterberg <listsub at> wrote:
>Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
>>On 2005-07-17 17:35, King Gimp <kinggim at> wrote:
>>> From
>>> "The competition was closed on 2005-06-30. As of 2005-06-30 we have
>>> received 540 compliant submissions.
>>> The result will be announced via announce@ mailing list and on this page."
>>> My question is: any deadline for $subject?
>> Any deadline after which people would stop bugging the hell out of all
>> of us who don't really care for a new logo, by posting the same crap
>> every week or so?
>> When there are news, there will be news. Until then, please, some of us
>> have already had enough of all this logo business :-/
> Well, there are actually quite a lot of people who *do* care about the
> logo, so allow me to turn your question around: Any deadline after
> which people that do not care about the logo will stop bugging us that
> do, and let us discuss the subject without having to deal with *your*
> crap?
There is a slight but very important difference between:
a) not caring about the logo
b) not caring for a new logo
But I guess it doesn't matter now, does it? :-)
> If there is a posting about the same subject every week, simple
> statistics say that there has to be atleast a moderate interest in the
> subject, or else the postings would not occur.
These statistics are false as long as they don't also count the number
of people who have started feeling terminally bored by seeing the same
"logo contest" theme repeating over and over again, the number of people
who disagree with the change but don't voise their objections, etc.
> That some people do not find it interesting at all does not justify
> dropping it. I frequently recieve postings on subjects that do not
> concern or interests me, but I simply ignore them and move on. This is
> chat@, after all.
> I apologize for the somewhat harsh tone, but to be honest, your mail
> was not exactly polite either.
True. My apologies if I have personally offended anyone too, since this
was not meant to be a personal attack; rather a somewhat strong way to
express my growing anxiety about the fact that users seem to care a lot
more about "this gif image" or "that jpeg icon" these days than actually
making real, tangible, contributions in one of the forms that would
probably benefit a lot more (even if that's just an article about "how
cool FreeBSD Ports are" in a local magazine of Patras, Greece).
- Giorgos
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