Software patents and FreeBSD

David Kelly dkelly at
Sun Jul 10 22:17:02 GMT 2005

On Jul 10, 2005, at 9:30 AM, Bryan Maynard wrote:

> There are two key factors you are failing to take into consideration:
> 1) The recent populatiry of Open Source software
> 2) The need for corporations to make money

Trimmed to a nutshell, you simply want free access and use of  
intellectual property.

> So far neither of us have answered the inital question: "How would  
> software
> patents effect an Open Source project like FreeBSD?"

FreeBSD is already operating in a world of software patents. Your  
wording begs the question in suggesting software patents do not exist  

David Kelly N4HHE, dkelly at
Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

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