Software patents and FreeBSD

Erich Dollansky oceanare at
Sun Jul 10 01:03:22 GMT 2005


David Kelly wrote:
> This doesn't belong on Questions or Hackers.
> On Jul 8, 2005, at 6:28 PM, R. Tyler Ballance wrote:
>> Howdy,
>>     i'll be meeting tuesday with staffers for my congressman (since  
>> he's still in D.C.) to discuss software patents and the "evil"  behind 
>> them.
The evil behind software patents is the same evil behind all other 
patent: the lack of an inventive step.

Prior art is already one sign that a patent can't be granted but still 
they do.

The expertise needed to create the invention must be put back to its 
right place again to avoid patent flooding.

We have had the examples in this conversation: training a cat und 
platter size of hard disks. There is no inventive step to change just 
one little thing but keep the principle the same.


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