PAM pacthes we discuss

Frank Catton cattonf at
Sun Jul 3 01:04:05 GMT 2005

I think Andrey is trying to be reasonable here, whether his changes
are correct or not.  You clearly are not.  You need to learn that this
is not DESBSD and you don't get to be an asshole anytime you like, no
matter what the provocation.  This is FreeBSD and this is -current.
We have time to work this out if people are willing to behave
reasonably.  If you are not, the door is over there and you're free to
use it at any time.  Your contributions are appreciated, but not so
appreciated that a continuing lack of interpersonal skills on your
part will be tolerated.

- Frank

> "Andrey A. Chernov" <ache at> writes:
> > Could we arrange this without backing out?
> No.
> -- 
> Dag-Erling Smorgrav - des at

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