teco added to ports - Fwd: FreshPorts daily new ports

Dan Strick strick at covad.net
Thu Feb 24 19:57:20 PST 2005

On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 19:18 -0800, Joshua Tinnin wrote:
> Wow ... teco is finally in FreeBSD ports. Now I have the option of
> easily installing an editor that causes ulcers and premature aging even
> faster than ed does!

Are we talking about that ancient DEC text editor that kept a current
character position instead of a current line number, used lots of
altmode characters in its command language and provided for huge
incomprehensible command macros that could implement reasonably general
programs with conditionals and loops?  Good old ed is far easier to use
than TECO.  I always had great difficulty keeping track of the current
character position when using TECO interactively.

I once blew most of my monthly cpu allocation doing a simple file-wide
string substitution with TECO.  I should have just reloaded the source
file from punched cards.

I recall a WYSIWYG text editor on RSTS that might have been implemented
as a TECO macro.  I think it was called something like "VT52".

TECO on FreeBSD?  This is too bizarre.

Dan Strick

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