Long Uptime

Christian Kratzer ck at cksoft.de
Wed Aug 10 13:10:35 GMT 2005


On Wed, 10 Aug 2005, Jeremie Le Hen wrote:

>> On Tue, 9 Aug 2005, Bob Bomar wrote:
>>> I have a machine that is about to turn 700 days
>>> uptime, and I have no plans on rebooting it any
>>> time soon.  I just wanted to see if there was
>>> any infomation from the machine that anybody
>>> wanted.
>> Well, I think there are enough people around with nnn days uptime (for
>> nnn > 500).
>> I myself can think of a handfull of internal machines with such an uptime.
>> In case you are interested in FreeBSD uptimes see for example:
>> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-advocacy/2003-August/000225.html
> And today, do you think this machine has an uptime of 2738 days ? :-)

Congrats ;-)

> I dare to Cc Christian Kratzer to ask him.

sadly the machine in question died sometime ago of a power glitch. It came 
right back up after massaging the power cord but was subseqeuntly replaced 
by the customer in question with a penguin the believe to be able to 
administer themselves ...

I do not remember how much uptime it had in the end.  I'll let you know
if I remember.

We are thinking of getting a box with dual PSU setup somewhere with good
power and going for it again but it'l take time and a good release ;-)


Christian Kratzer                       ck at cksoft.de
CK Software GmbH                        http://www.cksoft.de/
Phone: +49 7452 889 135                 Fax: +49 7452 889 136

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