
Mike Jeays Mike.Jeays at rogers.com
Wed Nov 24 18:19:45 PST 2004

On Wed, 2004-11-24 at 21:00, Alec Berryman wrote:
> begin  quotation of pete wright on 2004-11-24 17:26:37 -0800:
> > i've had no problems running multiple copies of FreeBSD (4.x and
> > 5.x) as well as openBSD as a vmware guest.
> Are you talking about VMWare Workstation or the GSX/ESX server?

The part of the presentation that seemed most interesting to me was the
ESX server.  This seems a lot like the early IBM VM operating system,
which completely virtualises the hardware.  I thought this was really
clever when I first heard of it many years ago.  I have often wondered
what the requirements on the instruction set for a CPU are to make this

My organization is a 98% Microsoft shop, and I have gotten myself a
reputation as the "open source nut". VMWare should make a great tool for
consolidating our all-too-numerous Windows servers.

Thanks for the useful comments, to everyone who replied.

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