What makes Centrino so fast?

Rob rob at pythonemproject.com
Thu Mar 11 07:35:11 PST 2004

Daniel O'Connor wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Mar 2004 10:31, Rob wrote:
>>I have my own benchmark program that I use for number crunching.
>>It uses a mixture of Python and Numeric Python.
>>Athlon 2166Mhz as reported by OS:  2m38.7s
>>Intel Centrino Pentium 1700 Mhz:   2m17s
>>Is it just compiler optimization at play?
> Here's an interesting article on it ->
> http://arstechnica.com/cpu/004/pentium-m/pentium-m-1.html
> but in short.. better branch prediction, and micro-architecture improvments in 
> general, and a slightly longer pipeline (for higher clocks vs a PIII)

Great article Dan!  Thanks for the pointer.  Rob.

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