FreeBSD Most wanted

Allan Bowhill abowhill at
Wed Mar 10 23:19:12 PST 2004

On  0, Eric Anderson <anderson at> wrote:
:Narvi wrote:
:[..snip snip snippety snip..]
:>>I'm not speaking of your average code, I'm speaking of high-speed assembly
:>>language programs.
:>and how many millions of lines of that have you written and maintained?
:>Are you sure it would not be faster if it was re-written in C and compiled
:I started this thread for more as a list of features FreeBSD needs in 
:order to gain additional user base - I think it has successfully 
:dribbled into -chat worthy commentary, so let's move it off advocacy please?

If you like small and fast, check out the "Whirlwind tutorial on creating really 
teensy elf executables for Linux":

Allan Bowhill
abowhill at
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible."
		-- Walt Disney
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