BtVS: UK or US DVDs?

Christian Weisgerber naddy at
Fri Jun 11 12:01:39 GMT 2004

Paul Robinson <paul at> wrote:

> > I'm out to buy _Buffy the Vampire Slayer_ (the TV series that is) on
> > DVD.  Should I get the UK or US sets?
> I would suggest "neither".

Could you expand on that?
I thought those were the basic choices, but I guess there are also
other region editions than R1 and R2 and apparently multiple editions
at least within R2.

> However, of course, it's technically illegal for you to buy DVDs
> licensed for a region in which you do not reside.

This is far from certain and probably differs by country.  Anyway,
let's ignore this concern for now.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                          naddy at

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