for dutch FreeBSD hackers wanting to get SUN hardware

Daniel Eischen eischen at
Fri Jun 11 10:31:50 GMT 2004

On Fri, 11 Jun 2004, Brad Knowles wrote:

> At 6:00 AM -0400 2004-06-11, Paul Murphy wrote:
> >   I almost bought a Sun workstation a a computer show but could not see
> >  if a regular (PC) monitor would plug in to a Sun. They were selling Sun
> >  monitors at the table but they were more than I was willing to spend on
> >  'experimental' computer equipment.
> >
> >   So my question is: will PC peripherals attach to a Sun box?
> 	Depends on the box.  For UltraSPARC 5s, the answer is most 
> definitely yes -- Sun built them with mostly standard PC components, 
> including VGA output, PCI card slots, IDE hard drives & CD-ROM 
> drives, DIMM slots, PS/2 keyboard & mouse connectors, etc....  About 
> the only non-PC standard component was the CPU.

You can get adapters that convert from vga to sun video, and
from sun keyboard/mouse to PS/2 keyboard mouse.  Raritan
( makes them, and can probably get cheaper
alternatives elsewhere.

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