for dutch FreeBSD hackers wanting to get SUN hardware

Paul Murphy paul.murphy at
Fri Jun 11 10:00:50 GMT 2004

On Fri, 11 Jun 2004 10:13:22 +0200
Brad Knowles <brad.knowles at> wrote:

> At 9:42 AM +0200 2004-06-11, Stijn Hoop wrote:
> >  You'll have to be quick, bidding lasts until 17:00 CEST today.
> > 
> >
> >d=37&cid=13&scid=125
> >
> >  Lots of Ultra-5, mostly incomplete but a few only missing the
> >  monitor. At 20 euro's a piece (ex BTW) IMHO it's a bargain.
> 	Prices go up to 40 Euro for the faster machines with more memory
> (400MHz, 256MB RAM), and there are not many left.  Get them while 
> they're hot!

 Somewhat off topic.

 I almost bought a Sun workstation a a computer show but could not see
if a regular (PC) monitor would plug in to a Sun. They were selling Sun
monitors at the table but they were more than I was willing to spend on
'experimental' computer equipment.

 So my question is: will PC peripherals attach to a Sun box?

Cogeco ergo sum

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