Less messages to FreeBSD.org lists

Kris Kennaway kris at obsecurity.org
Sun Jan 25 11:47:27 PST 2004

On Sun, Jan 25, 2004 at 07:38:37PM +0000, Andrew Boothman wrote:

> Agreed, but it would seem surprising to me that FreeBSD's installed base 
> is growing and mailing list traffic isn't. We have no method for 
> estimating the number of installed FreeBSD boxes, but I would have 
> thought that mailing list traffic was quite a good indicator.

Statistics are available and have been posted from time to time in the
past.  CD sales, FTP downloads, website traffic from FreeBSD clients,
Netcraft webserver counts, etc.  I don't recall any other indications
of shrinking user base (on the contrary, my memory is that they
support robust growth).

> Perhaps we're just so good and documenting now, that nobody needs to ask 
> a question? ;)

Don't underestimate that possibility.  A hell of a lot of work has
gone into improving the documentation, and a lot of mailing list
traffic is in the category of newbie questions that are answered in
the documentation.

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