"Designed for FreeBSD" stickers
David Gerard
fun at thingy.apana.org.au
Tue Dec 7 12:27:51 PST 2004
Haulmark, Chris (chris at sigd.net) [041208 07:22]:
> We show our potential clients to our production server rooms whenever
> they request for it. They always ask what those (freebsd) servers are
> running because there are no logo stickers. I ended up sticking a white
> label with black arial font "FreeBSD." Is this what FreeBSD systems
> deserve?
> FreeBSDsystems had couple of nice logos on their server packages. I
> think that we should set few samples up for the community to use.
My desktop has a Beastie sticker on it. Dunno where from, but it's a nice
one and was put there by the guy I bought the box from. So they exist or
have existed.
> For myself, I want one so I can stick it on my desktop at home so it'll
> look better to casual computer users and to annoy my wife that my desktop
> is better than her gentoo desktop.
My theory is that penguin and daemon stickers are the modern equivalent of
fluffy dice and GT stripes. Blokes used to spend ages fiddling with their
cars, now they spend ages fiddling around with PCs.
- d.
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