Why top-posting is bad

Dan Langille dan at langille.org
Thu Aug 19 17:51:09 PDT 2004

On Thu, 19 Aug 2004, Charles Oppermann wrote:

> >>
>    Most people are used to email in the corporate context and thus
>    used to top-posting.
> <<
> That's a valid point that's not appreciated on either side of the argument.

I am not speaking to any particular person when I say:

When one joins a group, one tends to follow the practices of that group.
That applies whether it's a country, a club, or a list.  Claims that you
behave differently elsewhere are invalid because different groups have
different behaviours.  You'll fit in better if you adapt.  If you feel
that strongly against a group view, perhaps you shouldn't be in that

Dan Langille - http://www.langille.org/

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