FreeBSD more popular than ...

Paul Robinson paul at
Mon Aug 9 08:36:58 PDT 2004

On Mon, Aug 09, 2004 at 10:27:31AM -0500, Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. wrote:

> The latest indicator of cultural relevance[1],,
> indicates that our OS is more popular than "Microsoft Windows".

Have you seen how far ahead "linux" is though? Fortunately, we get the upper 
hand back if you search for Linux's "proper name" (according to some) of 
"GNU/Linux" which is nice. "BSD" is someway behind "GPL" though which in 
many ways isn't, but the defeat is not as bad as some may have predicted.

The win "core" has over "committer" is pretty convincing too which explains 
a few things. :-)

Am I the only person who uses this technique as a spell checker sometimes? 
For example, when writing an article, I know "CDROM" is preffered for some 
reason over "CD-ROM" or CD ROM".

Paul Robinson

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