MUTT - fetchmail? procmail? or only need sendmail?

Srot BULL pwd8jmr22w at
Mon Aug 2 19:59:21 PDT 2004


I hope that you guys are in the mood to help me out here.

The Short version:
I just want to use mutt as my MUA.

The Long version:
I just want to use mutt as my MUA.
I have diffirent email accounts (all POP Accounts) and I want all emails 
delivered in different mailboxes that I have created and have mutt read 
I went to the mutt homepage and read about mutt not being able to filter 
emails. It mentioned about fetchmail and procmail. I did some reading 
but somehow...i give-up maybe because I have been comtemplating and been 
doing some reading in mutt for days now. I have finally finished my 
muttrc but, I still use mutt only for testing (i am presently using 
thunderbird as you can see).
Now, what would you guys do if you have different POP mail accounts and 
want them delivered in specific folders.
Do I really have to use fetchmail to retrieve my emails and have 
procmail delivered them to my folders and then have sendmail deliver all 
my outgoing emails? Can't sendmail do this all?
If you have combinations that you can share please do.
Thanks and hope to hear from anybody...


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