Beginning C++ in FreeBSD

Chris Pressey cpressey at
Thu Apr 22 01:07:04 PDT 2004

On Wed, 21 Apr 2004 22:01:06 -0600
Danny MacMillan <flowers at> wrote:

> On Wed, 21 Apr 2004 11:05:48 -0700, Chris Pressey 
> <cpressey at> wrote:
> > On Tue, 20 Apr 2004 23:28:48 -0600
> > Dan MacMillan <flowers at> wrote:
> >
> >> These are not analagous.  The reason things get lost in the
> >> translation of human language is that it is not possible to
> >represent> every expression in one human language with complete
> >precision in> another.
> >
> > I challenge you to defend this (Sapir-Worfian) claim with a specific
> > example.  :)
> Thirty seconds on babelfish will provide more than enough
> substantiation, and Daniela herself argued my point in one of her
> prior messages.  In crappy, somewhat whimsical pseudocode:
> the_message != 
> translateFrenchToEnglish( translateEnglishToFrench( the_message ) )
> The translations are not reciprocal.  Though I guess that's not a
> specific example.
> Note that only machine translation is relevant for the sake of this 
> argument, because the information available to a human making a 
> translation is basically unbounded and the process is highly
> subjective.

Ah, well then this discussion is kind of pointless, because as you saw
when you visited Babelfish, machines are currently incapable of human
language translation.  :)

That is, if your position is that it is not presently possible to
mechanically translate every expression in one human language with
complete precision in another, I fully agree.

> I do have to confess to some ignorance.  I don't know what your 
> 'Sapir-Worfian' parenthetical alludes to.  At first I thought it was a
> Star Trek reference ... but a quick Google shows that "One of the
> premises of Sapir-Worfian hypothesis implies that semantic systems
> vary without constraint".  Excellent!  I'll just hop on my
> double-jimsen saddle and check the specs on the inline for the rotary
> girder.
> Ah, here we go.  A further Google shows that my ignorance needs no 
> confession, as my reply makes it quite plain.  You've obviously given
> this at least as much thought as I have and studied it besides. 
> <thpthpthpth>

You pretty much summed up the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis (as I understand
it) quite succinctly with "it is not possible to represent every
expression in one human language with complete precision in another."

No, nothing about Star Trek - just a misspelling on my part - although
all these challenges could be regarded as a bit Klingon, I suppose...

A pretty good summary:

> > For example, if you translate a program from a language with
> > partially-specified evaluation order to one with strict &
> > fully-specified evaluation order, do you not lose the opportunity to
> > optimize it by reordering evaluations?
> Yes, and I take your point.  But the specific claim that was made was
> that object-oriented languages are optimized differently from 
> non-object-oriented ones.  I just don't see it -- but again, I would
> enjoy an education.

Well, I don't immediately see it either, but on the other hand, I
wouldn't be too surprised.

And I admit I'm taking some liberties with "losing opportunities."  I
suppose, if you put in the effort, you can retain all the information. 
For example, even in the case of translating a partially ordered
language to a fully ordered one, you could implement a partially ordered
evaluator in the fully ordered language, then just link in the original
code.  Of course, it's easy to see how that would be suboptimal, too...

So how's this - say your target language is not a machine language, but
rather C++ itself.  If you're constrained to translating your C++ code
to C, then back to C++ - how much work do you have to put into your
translator to be able to reconstruct C++ code with the same efficiency
as the original source?  Or worse, what if the intermediate language is
not C, but rather, say, Brainf*ck?  Even if it's theoretically possible
(which is my guess, but it's not something I've seen established in any
concrete fashion either way,) the sheer effort involved would be truly

If I can take Daniela's original point as being that a translator from
X->Z stands a better chance at producing good Z code than a pair of
translators X->Y->Z, then I probably agree.  But beyond that, I really
don't know much except that it's a complex issue.


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