What are people using for MUA's nowadays?

Glenn Sieb ges at wingfoot.org
Mon Sep 22 14:36:44 PDT 2003

Simon L. Nielsen said:
> mutt works nicely with PGP/GPG and handles a lot of inboxes very well
> (procmail sorted mailing lists).  When setting up mutt the first time it
> does require you to spend some time making a good .muttrc (mutt's main
> config file) that works with your setup, but once you get that done and
> learn the basic keys, it's very nice.


Saves a lot of time, and helps get the options you want set just right
:)--One of my coworkers sent me to this site a few months back and it's
really a wonderful resource! :)

The original portions of this message are the copyright of the author
(c)1998-2002 Glenn E. Sieb.    ICQ UIN: 300395    IRC Nick: Rainbear
"All acts of Love and Pleasure are Her rituals"-Charge of the Goddess

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