What are people using for MUA's nowadays?

Michal F. Hanula frankie at kyblik.pieskovisko.sk
Mon Sep 22 12:40:19 PDT 2003

On Mon, Sep 22, 2003 at 10:50:07AM -0400, Marc Ramirez wrote:
> So, what are you young hipsters using to read main and filter spam?
mutt (as it sucks less).
Sylpheed (as it's almost as easy to use)
M2 (the Opera mailer --- it's quite hard to get used to, but very
My mail antivirus (qmail-scanner) uses SpamAssassin (spamd) as one of
its scanners, so I can just say ``l ~h X-Spam-Status:\ Yes'' in mutt
(besides, qmail-scanner checks the message headers for MIME compliance
and about half of the spam comes with CRCRLF instead of CRLF (Could somebody
wise please explain me why they do it? Are they so stupid, or there a purpose?)
and gets blocked.

What do you care what other people think?
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