Software patents

Dan Strick strick at
Fri Sep 12 18:34:01 PDT 2003

> >>>
> > But if any algorithm used in bsd will be patented in europe and
> > the patent became valid, they may have a problem either.
> >>>
> If such a patent were issued in Europe then it would be invalid
> specifically due to the prior art in BSD.

Such a patent would still have to be challenged in patent court with
the vast burden of proof falling on the challenger, no matter how
obvious the matter might seem to us.  This process is very expensive
and there is always the possibility that a stupid or biased judge
will make a wrong decision.

The patent system could cause immense damage to society by granting
patents for inventions that are trivial or part of unwritten "prior

> I fail to understand how an invention implemented in software is any
> less worthy of protection than any other machine.

It is not, but there is a legal history behind the software patent
controversy.  U.S. patent law says that ideas are not patentable.
Only inventions can be patented.  Until a few years ago, the patent
office held that software, like a mathematical technique, was an
idea and not an invention.  To work around this, software inventions
used to be described in hardware terms.  For example, the famous Unix
setuid bit patent gives the strong impression that the feature was
implemented with hardware logic gates on a circuit board.  I wonder
if it got through the system only because the patent examiner had
great respect for Bell Labs research and even greater respect for
Western Electric lawyers.

When the patent office changed its policy towards software, it was
only natural that the controversy would arise over the change in
policy rather than the intractable real problem, that patents are
often granted for trivial inventions.  Patent examiners seem to have
a rather low standard of innovation, perhaps because they are not
experts in the fields for which they grant patents.  One of the
common arguments against granting software patents is that patent
examiners have accumulated little experience in the field.

Patent examiners also grant patents for inventions that are silly or
cannot possibly work, such as perpetual motion machines.  Perhaps
patent examiners feel that granting patents for foolish or impossible
inventions does no harm and that arguing with patent lawyers is a
waste of time.  Standard procedure when applying for a patent is to
make excessive claims that a patent lawyer can trade away in order
to secure the real claims.  The validity or worthiness of a claim
may have little to do with whether or not it is granted.

There are serious problems inside the patent system, but I can't
think of any way to fix them.

Dan Strick
strick at

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