The Old Way Was Better

Dan Langille dan at
Sun Sep 7 06:05:11 PDT 2003

On 7 Sep 2003 at 13:24, Paul Robinson wrote:

> Jason C. Wells wrote:
> >I would like to cast my vote for returning to the old release method.
> >Please don't call the next major version of FreeBSD a release until it is
> >truly ready to be a release.
> For what it's worth, I and a large number of other people I know would 
> agree. The 5.x releases so far have been VERY badly received with the 
> people I've spoken to and it's not done FBSD any favours.

The instructions and precautions for early adoptors are clearly 
defined.  5.* is not ready for production.  That is widely known.  
5.* is still -current, not -stable.

Those running -current need to be aware of the issues.
Dan Langille :

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